August 16, 2008

Final Destination

Year: 2000
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Fantasy


{4364}{4404}Tod and George's dad|just called.

{4415}{4449}He's picking you up|at 3.30 tomorrow.

{4460}{4511}The bus leaves the high school|for the airport around 5.00.

{4522}{4565}How's my suitcase|working out for you?

{4594}{4662}Mom, you got|to leave that on.

{4673}{4746}The tag made the last flight|without the plane crashing...

{4757}{4854}so l figure it's got to be|on or with the bag.

{4882}{4900}For luck.

{4911}{4962}Where would you get|a nutball idea like that?

{4973}{5021}l'm still here.

{5134}{5200}So, seventeen, on the loose...

{5211}{5257}senior trip|with your friends in Paris...

{5268}{5323}ten days in the springtime.

{5365}{5447}Live it up. You got|your whole life ahead of you.

{7347}{7386}Hitchcock, let me give you|a hand with this.

{7397}{7434}There you go.

{7445}{7482}Carter, you dick.

{7493}{7527}-Schmuck.|-Good one.

{7562}{7619}-You left this on the bus.|-Thanks.

{7630}{7655}Come on,|let's get your stuff together.

{7666}{7727}Hey, Christa. Hi, Blake.

{7738}{7797}-What are you doing?|-He's the man.

{7808}{7841}All right.|You guys got everything?

{7852}{7899}Yeah, Dad, we're all set.

{7987}{8038}Does that mean go?

{8070}{8095}Don't know.

{8106}{8179}This is for both of you.|Have a great time.

{8190}{8214}Thanks, Dad.

{8225}{8278}-Both of us.|-Let's go.

{8289}{8347}-Alex, take care of them.|-l will.

{8546}{8632}Didn't think anything could look|worse than my yearbook photo.

{8643}{8705}How do you think l feel|having to look at you?

{8896}{8941}What the fuck does he want?

{9075}{9138}The airport does not|endorse solicitors.

{9363}{9409}Death is not the end.

{9461}{9529}lt will be for you|if you harass my students.

{9540}{9575}Hare Rama.

{9738}{9810}l have to ask you|a few questions this evening.

{9821}{9847}Did you pack your bags yourself?

{9858}{9941}Have your belongings been in|your possession the entire time?

{10020}{10048}Mr Browning?

{10133}{10223}Have you received any packages|from persons unknown to you?

{10516}{10574}-Same as your birthday.|-What?

{10585}{10645}September 25. 9.25.

{10656}{10727}Your birthday's the same|as your departure time.

{11049}{11096}Fuck off, dude. Dick.


{11140}{11221}George, Dad said both of us.|Give me some cash.

{11232}{11281}Knock it off.

{11345}{11383}You asshole.

{11643}{11693}-Thanks.|-You're welcome.

{12419}{12450}Let's go take a shit.

{12480}{12517}-Take a shit by yourself.|-No, dude.

{12528}{12572}Listen, OK?|Take some knowledge.

{12583}{12618}We're about to board|a seven-hour flight.

{12629}{12706}The toilets in coach|are barely ventilated closets.

{12717}{12751}Say halfway|through the flight...

{12762}{12791}your body wants|that aeroplane food out.

{12802}{12843}You got to go|torque a wicked cable.

{12854}{12960}Then directly after you,|walks in Christa or Blake.

{12998}{13069}Want them to associate you with|that watery sting in their eye?

{13080}{13140}That reflexive gag|at the back of their throat?

{13268}{13290}He was born

{13301}{13334}ln the summer

{13345}{13407}Of his 27th year

{13418}{13440}Comin' home

{13451}{13482}John Denver.

{13557}{13620}He left yesterday behind him

{13631}{13677}Died in a plane crash.

{13688}{13737}Ladies and gentlemen,|thank you for your patience.

{13748}{13786}At this time, we would like|to begin preboarding...

{13797}{13910}of Volée Air flight 180|to Paris through gate 46.

{13990}{14042}l've seen it raining fire

{14053}{14085}ln the sky

{14182}{14258}Anyone seen Billy Hitchcock?|How did we lose him?

{14425}{14467}Go. Go.


{15178}{15206}That hurt.

{15631}{15662}That's a good sign.|Younger, the better.

{15673}{15736}lt'd be a fucked-up God|to take down this plane.

{15862}{15909}A really fucked-up God.

{15993}{16041}-Hey, Tod.|-Hello. How you doing?

{16458}{16508}Can you switch seats|with Christa?

{16519}{16601}God, l would,|but l got a bladder thing.

{16612}{16677}lt's a urinary tract infection.

{16708}{16737}Let's go ask Alex.

{16940}{17005}Could you trade seats so Blake|and l could sit together?

{17016}{17097}She asked Tod,|but he had some medical thing.


{17305}{17349}You're so sweet.|Thanks, Alex.

{17360}{17412}Thank you, Alex.

{17423}{17468}You're welcome.

{17587}{17671}You really think we'd|titty-fuck them over Greenland?

{17682}{17800}Because of you, l got to watch|fucking "Stuart Little."

{17829}{17860}Thank you.

{17871}{17919}Thanks, man. That's great.

{17957}{17987}Sorry l'm late.

{17998}{18023}That's my seat right there.


{18069}{18130}-Hello?|-Ain't going that way.

{18141}{18172}May l have your attention?

{18183}{18204}To properly fasten|your seat belts...

{18215}{18261}slide the flat portion|into the buckle.

{18323}{18344}There are six emergency exits.

{18355}{18396}Two doors in front,|two over the wings...

{18407}{18449}two at the rear|of the aircraft.

{18550}{18613}Flight attendants,|prepare for departure.

{19704}{19737}All right.


{20388}{20416}lt's fine.

{20599}{20653}lt's OK, honey.

{22613}{22660}Could you trade seats so|Blake and l could sit together?

{22671}{22737}She asked Tod,|but he had some medical thing.


{22957}{22986}What's up, dude?

{23079}{23132}-ls there a problem, sir?|-What's your fucking problem?

{23170}{23209}This fucking plane's|going to explode!

{23220}{23261}-Shut up, Browning.|-You're so not funny.

{23272}{23336}-lf this is a joke...|-lt's not a joke!

{23347}{23370}Alex, take it easy.

{23381}{23424}-Sit down!|-lt's going down!

{23435}{23482}We'll remove you|if this continues.

{23493}{23525}l'll fucking remove myself!

{23589}{23647}-That's my seat.|-This plane is going down!

{23658}{23700}Everybody in the aisle|off the plane.

{23711}{23771}Just stay where you are.|Sit tight.

{23782}{23839}This fucking plane|is going down!

{23850}{23881}Go check him out.|See how he's doing.

{24170}{24258}-Get the fuck off me!|-Let go, jerk.

{24269}{24336}You got this?|No one gets back on board.

{24347}{24404}-That's my call.|-Wait, please!

{24415}{24470}l've got forty students|going to Paris. Please.

{24481}{24507}You must understand|my position.

{24518}{24564}l do, and l apologize|for Alex...

{24575}{24607}but one of us|needs to be on that plane.

{24618}{24691}l cannot let those students|go to Paris for ten days...

{24702}{24784}Sit the fuck down, Carter!|Sit!

{24795}{24829}One of you|can go on the flight.


{24955}{25008}They're not taking this well.|One of us can get back on.

{25019}{25074}The rest can take|an 11.10 flight.

{25085}{25103}l'll stay.

{25114}{25164}You know the French thing.|Get on the plane.

{25175}{25206}lt's fine.

{25217}{25308}Hi, l was in the bathroom,|and the lock was stuck...

{25319}{25379}Wait, l didn't fight|with anyone!



{25619}{25687}l called your parents.|They're on their way.

{25807}{25838}Stupid Alex.

{25910}{25968}Alex, talk to me.|Tell me what happened.

{25979}{26017}l saw it.

{26043}{26061}l don't know. l saw it.

{26072}{26137}l saw it on the runway,|l saw it take off...

{26148}{26202}l saw out my window,|l saw the ground.

{26213}{26279}And the cabin,|it starts to shake.

{26290}{26364}The left side blows up|and the whole plane explodes.

{26375}{26449}And it was so real,|like how everything happens.

{26460}{26491}Been on a lot of planes|that blew up?

{26502}{26528}You fell asleep.

{26539}{26652}We get thrown off the plane|and blow a half day in Paris?

{26663}{26697}All because Browning|has a bad fucking dream?

{26708}{26791}Wait! The plane,|it's going to blow up!

{26802}{26840}Fuck you, Horton.

{26851}{26906}The only trip you're taking|is to the fucking hospital!

{26917}{27009}Get off him !|Alex, stop it!

{27084}{27148}There they go, here we stay.

{27206}{27234}You're paying for my trip.

{27245}{27271}l wish you were on that plane!

{27282}{27343}-You fucking prick!|-Shit!

{27543}{27603}-Call it in!|-Security!

{28856}{28897}You're looking at me|as if l caused this.

{28988}{29026}l didn't cause this.

{29115}{29150}Are there any survivors?

{29295}{29323}How should l know?

{29413}{29475}-You think l'm some...|-He's not a witch.

{29630}{29657}l'm Howard Seigel...

{29668}{29704}National Transportation|and Safety Board.

{29715}{29753}We've contacted|all your families.

{29764}{29783}They are on the way.

{29794}{29877}ls there anyone here|who feels they might need...

{29888}{29971}medical attention|or spiritual counselling?

{29982}{30058}What's going on?|Are there any survivors?

{30099}{30165}The cause for the explosion|is still undetermined.

{30176}{30223}The Nassau County|authorities are on the scene...

{30234}{30297}naval search and rescue|en route.

{30308}{30351}Excuse me. l'm Agent Weine.

{30362}{30427}This is Agent Schreck.|We're with the FBl.

{30438}{30488}l understand how|you all must be feeling...

{30499}{30523}and l know it's going|to be difficult...

{30534}{30590}but we need to ask questions|regarding today's events...

{30601}{30643}while they're still fresh|in your mind.

{30654}{30693}This will prove invaluable|to our rescue attempts...

{30704}{30767}and any potential|criminal investigation.

{30862}{30881}You said, "Listen to me.

{30892}{30947}"This plane will explode|on takeoff."

{30958}{31016}How did you know that?

{31027}{31059}l got this feeling.

{31114}{31133}This weird feeling.

{31144}{31193}Did you take any sedatives|before boarding?

{31204}{31240}On board, did you take|any sleeping pills...

{31251}{31279}narcotics, hallucinogens?

{31290}{31340}Do you take any drugs?

{31388}{31422}l saw it.

{31492}{31517}l saw it happen.

{31528}{31561}l saw the plane explode.

{31572}{31606}Did the weird feelings|have anything to do...

{31617}{31698}with your saying you wished|Carter Horton was on it...

{31709}{31742}just before it exploded?

{31795}{31837}Then why'd you say it?

{31860}{31909}l didn't really think|it was going to happen.

{31920}{31946}lf that's the case, Alex...

{31957}{32032}why did you really|get off the plane?

{32101}{32151}My brother George...

{32162}{32238}he told me to go|keep an eye on Alex.

{32266}{32354}And so he stayed and...

{32499}{32562}He told me|to get off the plane.

{32573}{32633}Larry Murnau said|l should get back on...

{32644}{32718}but l told him|that he should go.

{32769}{32814}l sent him back on the plane.

{32888}{32933}All right.

{32944}{32993}Nobody forced you off the plane.

{33004}{33069}You said you weren't friends|with those that were...

{33080}{33134}so, Clear, why did you|get off the plane?

{33188}{33249}Because l saw|and l heard Alex...

{33365}{33399}and l believed him.

{33934}{33963}There he is.

{34603}{34650}Thank you for the ride.

{36152}{36194}You are looking|at the first piece of debris...

{36205}{36267}to wash ashore|from Volée Air flight 180...

{36278}{36347}which erupted shortly after|a 9.25 p.m. takeoff...

{36358}{36407}from John F. Kennedy Airport|in New York.

{36418}{36461}There are no known survivors.

{36472}{36527}Coast Guard and naval|search and rescue efforts...

{36538}{36571}are continuing|at this moment...

{36582}{36648}even as jet fuel burns|on the ocean's surface.

{36659}{36713}Authorities are pessimistic|about the possibility...

{36724}{36788}of finding anyone alive|from the ill-fated flight.

{36799}{36886}All 287 passengers|are feared dead.

{36897}{36915}Amongst the travellers...

{36926}{36982}a class of forty students|and four teachers...

{36993}{37057}from Mount Abraham High School|in south-east New York...

{37068}{37111}en route to Paris|on a field trip.

{37122}{37163}There are reports|several students...

{37174}{37242}were removed from the aircraft|moments before departure...

{37253}{37294}however, investigators|remain guarded...

{37305}{37341}about the specifics|of this incident.

{37352}{37431}Authorities from National|Transportation and Safety...

{37442}{37465}and the Federal Bureau|of lnvestigation...

{37476}{37546}have arrived at JFKto begin|the initial investigation.

{37557}{37637}Eyewitnesses at the airport,|as well as on Long lsland...

{37648}{37707}report seeing the plane explode.

{37718}{37770}No other aircraft were|visibly near flight 180.

{37781}{37813}At JFK,|air traffic controllers...

{37824}{37885}are corroborating|these eyewitness accounts.

{37896}{37958}After the explosion,|debris apparently rained...

{37969}{38027}into the Atlantic Ocean|for several miles.

{38038}{38125}lnvestigators are cautious about|verifying these accounts...

{38136}{38184}believing they'll learn more...

{38670}{38721}Thirty-nine days|have passed...

{38732}{38783}since we lost|our thirty-nine loved ones...

{38794}{38833}friends, and teachers.

{38864}{38890}As each day passes...

{38901}{38965}without a determining cause|for the accident...

{38976}{39029}we ask ourselves, "Why?"

{39066}{39117}"Ecclesiastes" tells us...

{39128}{39191}"Man no more knows|his own time...

{39202}{39266}"than fish taken|in the fatal net...

{39277}{39329}"or birds trapped in the snare.

{39340}{39415}"Like these,|the children of men caught...

{39426}{39479}"when the time falls|suddenly upon them."

{39490}{39561}And so,|before we can heal...

{39572}{39667}before we escape the presence|of death and time...

{39678}{39742}we must mourn|and celebrate theirs...

{39753}{39802}with this memorial.

{40868}{40925}l hope you don't think because|my name ain't on this wall...

{40936}{40988}that l owe you anything.

{40999}{41022}l don't.

{41033}{41102}All l owe these people is|to live my life to the fullest.

{41113}{41181}Why don't you|stay off the J.D., then?

{41192}{41248}Don't you ever fucking|tell me what to do.

{41259}{41302}l control my life, not you.

{41398}{41444}l'm never going to die.

{41746}{41788}l took my driver's test|last week at the DMV.

{41799}{41821}Got a seventy.

{41832}{41872}lt's the lowest score|you can get, but l passed.

{41883}{41927}The thing is,|when l was done with the test...

{41938}{41992}you know the guy that drives|with you during the test?

{42003}{42023}Anyways, he goes....

{42034}{42125}"Young man, you're going to die|at a very young age."

{42210}{42228}ls that true?

{42239}{42314}Not now, not here,|not ever, Billy.

{42401}{42458}lf l ask out Cynthia Paster,|will she say no?


{42765}{42831}Don't talk to me.|You scare the hell out of me.

{42864}{42907}l'm going up.

{43220}{43259}l don't want you|to take this the wrong way.

{43270}{43355}l miss you, you know?

{43393}{43439}Yeah, l miss you, too.

{43450}{43523}But my father,|he doesn't understand.

{43587}{43636}Look, when he gets over|this thing...

{43647}{43716}you and me,|we'll road trip to the city...

{43727}{43769}catch the Yanks.

{43798}{43845}We'll do that.


{43937}{43977}l better go.

{43988}{44025}This thing Ms Lewton|showed me in class...

{44036}{44085}they're going to let me read it.

{44096}{44145}lt says what l'm feeling.

{44199}{44227}Take care, man.

{44467}{44514}Because of you,|l'm still alive.

{44581}{44611}Thank you.

{44788}{44880}We say that the hour of death|cannot be forecast.

{44916}{44985}But when we say this...

{44996}{45036}we imagine|that the hour is placed...

{45047}{45124}in an obscure|and distant future.

{45135}{45197}lt never occurs to us|that it has any connection...

{45208}{45268}with the day already begun...

{45279}{45371}or that death could arrive|this same afternoon.

{45382}{45457}This afternoon|which is so certain...

{45468}{45604}and which has every hour|filled in advance.

{53858}{53889}What happened?

{53909}{53942}Where's Tod?

{54098}{54127}Get out of here.

{54465}{54529}-Didn't you see it?|-What happened?

{54540}{54643}You caused Tod|so much guilt over George...

{54654}{54695}he took his own life.

{54782}{54843}He wouldn't do that.

{54854}{54935}He said we'd be friends again|after you got better.

{54946}{55017}Why would he make plans|if he was going to kill himself?

{55028}{55080}Mr Waggner.

{56470}{56489}Almost autumn.

{56500}{56568}lt's only the end of June.

{56623}{56661}Yeah, but everything's|always in transition.

{56672}{56719}lf you focus, even now,|just one week into summer...

{56730}{56779}you can almost feel|autumn coming.

{56790}{56834}l like being able|to see the future.

{56845}{56931}Why were you at|Tod's house last night?

{57004}{57039}l've seen enough TV to know...

{57050}{57097}the FBl doesn't investigate|teen suicides.

{57108}{57157}They were there last night.|That means, one...

{57168}{57197}they still don't have a clue|what caused the crash.

{57208}{57235}Two--they haven't|ruled out anything...

{57246}{57283}and the fact seven people|got off the plane...

{57294}{57318}is probably weird enough.

{57329}{57375}Not to mention, one of|those people had a vision...

{57386}{57430}of the plane exploding...

{57441}{57511}minutes before it actually did|is highly suspicious.

{57522}{57559}And it doesn't help that|the visionary's friend...

{57570}{57606}just committed suicide.

{57639}{57693}Why were you there last night?

{57841}{57884}You know what this is?

{57947}{57986}This is a...

{58058}{58105}This is Springy Head Guy.

{58131}{58242}lt's you. Not a likeness.

{58253}{58325}lt's how|you make me feel, Alex.

{58355}{58404}l'm sorry.

{58415}{58457}No. Like you, the sculpture|doesn't even know...

{58468}{58515}what or why it is.

{58526}{58572}lt's reluctant to take form...

{58583}{58627}and yet creating an absolute...

{58638}{58706}but incomprehensible|attraction.

{58756}{58786}ln four years|of high school...

{58797}{58837}we haven't said|one word to each other.

{58848}{58919}At that moment, on the plane,|l felt what you felt.

{58930}{58984}l didn't even know where|those emotions came from...

{58995}{59042}until you started|freaking out.

{59053}{59153}l didn't see what you saw,|but l felt it.

{59164}{59221}You can still feel it,|can't you?

{59232}{59312}Something from that day|is still with you.

{59370}{59427}l know because|l can still feel you.

{59491}{59544}That's why l was there|last night.

{59615}{59665}l've never dealt|with death before.

{59676}{59736}This could all be in our head.

{59762}{59827}lt just feels like|it's all around us.


{59935}{59998}What if Tod was just the first?

{60027}{60051}Of us.

{60062}{60116}ls that something|that you're feeling?

{60159}{60179}l don't know.

{60190}{60267}l wish l could see him|one last time.

{60278}{60329}Maybe l would know.

{60340}{60384}Then let's go see him.


{61219}{61259}Gives me a rush.

{61305}{61355}This place?

{61366}{61418}Doing something|l'm not supposed to.

{61501}{61529}Come on.

{61654}{61690}Hurry up.

{62032}{62094}-ls that him?|-l think.

{62105}{62154}Why did they make him up|like Michael Jackson?

{62165}{62219}That's him.

{62230}{62324}Whatever it was that made him|Tod is definitely gone.

{62387}{62420}Holy Christ!


{62559}{62595}You'll wake the dead.

{62856}{62884}Why'd his hand do that?


{62930}{63019}The vascular flush|creates cadaveric spasms.

{63030}{63112}Look, l'm his friend...

{63123}{63161}l know who you are.

{63196}{63234}What are all those tiny marks?

{63245}{63325}Cuticle lacerations|from pulling at the wire.

{63336}{63376}Pulling at the wire?

{63387}{63443}lf he was pulling at the wire,|he didn't kill himself.

{63454}{63476}lt was an accident.

{63487}{63552}ln death,|there are no accidents...

{63563}{63627}no coincidences, no mishaps...

{63638}{63684}and no escapes.

{63729}{63806}What you have to realize|is we're all just a mouse...

{63817}{63854}a cat has by the tail.

{63865}{63922}Every single move we make...

{63933}{63974}from the mundane|to the monumental...

{63985}{64048}the red light|that we stop at or run...

{64059}{64124}the people we have sex with|or won't with us...

{64135}{64198}aeroplanes that we ride|or walk out of...

{64209}{64277}it's all part of|death's sadistic design...

{64288}{64328}leading to the grave.


{64417}{64470}Does that mean if...

{64481}{64526}you figure out the design,|you can cheat death?

{64537}{64619}Alex, you've|already done that...

{64630}{64668}by walking off the plane.

{64679}{64722}Your friend's departure...

{64733}{64833}shows that death has|a new design for all of you.

{64844}{64893}Now you have to figure out...

{64904}{64992}how and when|it's coming back at you.

{65028}{65051}Play your hunch...

{65062}{65125}if you think|you can get away with it.

{65136}{65181}But remember...

{65192}{65256}the risk of cheating the plan...

{65267}{65314}of disrespecting the design...

{65325}{65446}could incite a fury to terrorize|even the Grim Reaper.

{65477}{65578}And you don't even want to|fuck with that Mack Daddy.

{65681}{65719}OK, then. Well...

{65730}{65799}l'm sorry we broke in,|and...

{65810}{65877}No harm, no foul.

{65977}{66011}l'll see you soon.

{66173}{66235}The mortician said|that death has a design.

{66246}{66335}l'm talking about omens.

{66346}{66396}How do we know,|that just by sitting here...

{66407}{66465}by sipping this coffee|or breathing the air...

{66476}{66514}or even crossing|the intersection...

{66525}{66568}we haven't started in motion...

{66579}{66619}the events that will|some day lead to our death...

{66630}{66687}forty years from now,|ten years, tomorrow?

{66726}{66792}We don't,|unless we open ourselves up...

{66803}{66871}to the signs|it's willing to show us.

{66956}{66988}l don't understand.

{66999}{67064}Did you see Tod die?

{67075}{67133}Did it happen again,|like on the plane?

{67144}{67213}No, it didn't,|but it might as well have.

{67224}{67305}This is a message|from something, Clear...

{67316}{67380}or someone,|hinting at a design.

{67391}{67422}Total bullshit.

{67433}{67483}You can find death omens|anywhere you want to.

{67494}{67559}Coffee starts with a "C"|and ends with an "E".

{67570}{67632}So does "choke."|We'll choke to death?

{67643}{67686}l want to hear you...

{67697}{67749}but we'll go nuts|if you start with this shit.

{67760}{67852}The mortician said|that death has a design, right?

{67863}{67949}Now, what if|you, me, Tod, Carter...

{67960}{68028}Terry, Billy, Mrs Lewton|messed up that design?

{68039}{68091}For whatever reason,|l saw death's plan...

{68102}{68147}and we cheated it.

{68158}{68196}But what if it was our time?

{68207}{68243}What if we were not meant|to get off that plane?

{68254}{68322}What if it still is our time?

{68333}{68410}lf it is,|then it's not finished...

{68421}{68507}and we will die.|Now, not later.

{68518}{68657}Unless we find the patterns|and cheat it again.

{68886}{68947}After hearing you,|l do believe...

{68974}{69029}that Tod killed himself.

{69822}{69859}Baby, come on, not now.

{69933}{69968}Looks like we have|a reunion here.

{69979}{69997}Let it go.

{70008}{70052}-When are you moving?|-Couple weeks.

{70063}{70105}-That's too bad.|-Carter, you dick!

{70116}{70156}Losing our favourite teacher.

{70167}{70230}Guys, there's something|l need to tell you.

{70241}{70321}Lived here your whole life,|and now she's gotta move...

{70332}{70355}We're in danger!

{70366}{70422}Enough! Both of you!

{70433}{70473}They died, and we lived.

{70484}{70516}Get over it.

{70527}{70569}l will not let|this plane crash...

{70580}{70627}be the most important thing|in my life!


{70676}{70729}l'm moving on, Carter...

{70740}{70782}and if you want|to waste your life...

{70793}{70873}beating the shit out of Alex|every time you see him...

{70884}{70935}then you can just|drop fucking dead!

{71610}{71644}ls Alex there?

{71655}{71709}Hi, Clear.|Yeah, just a minute.

{71736}{71798}lt's Clear again.|You want to talk to her?

{71900}{71959}Clear, he's in the shower.

{71970}{71995}Can l get him to call you back?

{72006}{72042}Sure. Bye.

{72065}{72124}She's concerned about you.

{72135}{72170}l'm concerned about you.

{72181}{72212}Why won't you talk to her?

{72223}{72274}Or to me?

{72346}{72403}Dad, you and Mom have|both been a big help...

{72414}{72445}but there's something|l need to understand...

{72456}{72488}before l can talk.

{72499}{72528}To anyone.

{72593}{72628}The National|Transportation Safety Board...

{72639}{72702}has a new theory tonight|on the cause of the explosion...

{72713}{72754}of Volée Air flight 180.

{72765}{72820}Officials believe deterioration|of silicone insulation...

{72831}{72884}on an electrical connector|to the scavenger pump...

{72895}{72949}may have leaked|combustible fluids.

{72960}{72980}That's Tod's seat.

{72991}{73027}A spark beneath the coach cabin|in the fuselage...

{73038}{73090}may have ignited the fuel line,|proceeding to the fuel pump...

{73101}{73162}which would have set off|the catastrophic explosion.

{73919}{73954}The path of the explosion.

{73965}{74070}First was Tod,|then it was Terry.

{74081}{74133}They're dying in the order|they would've died.

{74144}{74186}That's death's design.

{74197}{74254}Ms Lewton's next.

{74321}{74392}Whenever l can fall asleep,|l see Terry Chaney...

{74403}{74465}and in the day,|out of nowhere...

{74476}{74511}l hear the sound of|my own voice in my head...

{74522}{74564}saying to Larry Murnau...

{74575}{74611}"No. You know|the whole French thing.

{74622}{74646}"Get on the plane."

{74657}{74718}Everything reminds me|of that day.

{74765}{74822}Right. Yeah.

{74833}{74855}l'm hoping a change will help.

{74866}{74915}lt's just that...

{74926}{74999}l lived here|my whole life, you know?

{75010}{75053}And everywhere l looked|were great memories.

{75064}{75204}And now all l see|is Larry and those kids.

{75215}{75290}Just looking out|my own front yard...

{75301}{75348}makes me feel nothing but fear.

{75506}{75563}Laura, l'm going to have|to call you back.


{75830}{75880}This is Valerie Lewton.|l need Agent Schreck.

{76512}{76535}What are you doing here?

{76546}{76608}l was just...

{76619}{76680}checking the air in the tyre|to make sure it's safe.

{76714}{76743}Get in the car.

{77024}{77072}Put on your seat belt.

{77616}{77670}l believe that...

{77705}{77752}that Ms Lewton is next.


{77849}{77887}Yeah, next, because...

{77898}{77963}there's this pattern|that's occurring.

{77974}{78007}Right. A pattern.

{78018}{78054}You noticed that, too?

{78453}{78482}Mom's favourite.

{79032}{79070}So what about this pattern?

{79081}{79124}Did you see it|in one of your visions?

{79135}{79191}Did you catch it|in some TV static?

{79258}{79323}l never asked for|what happened on the plane.

{79334}{79399}You guys are going to|sit there and make fun of me.

{79410}{79428}Whatever. lt's fine.

{79439}{79512}But l saved six lives|on that plane.

{79523}{79570}Six lives, and everybody|in my entire school...

{79581}{79601}thinks l'm a freak.

{79612}{79703}l'm not suffering|from post-traumatic stress.

{79714}{79783}l don't have|a narcissistic deity complex.

{79794}{79865}l'm not going Dahmer|on you guys.

{79876}{79918}This just is.

{79929}{79986}There is a pattern for us all.

{79997}{80042}There is a pattern for you.

{80053}{80108}There is a design for everyone,|and l don't know how yet...

{80119}{80156}but l'm going to break|this one.

{82109}{82145}You came to our attention...

{82156}{82211}because you were under suspicion|in this plane explosion.


{82278}{82312}l know you didn't|blow up the plane.

{82323}{82383}We were ready to move on...

{82394}{82438}but then the other survivors|started to die.

{82449}{82483}First, your friend Tod...

{82494}{82549}then Terry Chaney,|while you were at the scene.

{82560}{82605}And tonight, we pick you up|at Val Lewton's house.

{82616}{82674}Nobody has control|over life and death...

{82685}{82763}unless they are taking lives|and causing death.

{82774}{82829}Can you promise me|no one else is going to die?

{82840}{82886}No, l can't.

{82897}{82935}As long as l'm in here,|it's out of my control.

{82946}{82974}l'm sorry.

{83160}{83216}Go ahead.|Get out of here.

{83242}{83271}Thank you.

{83479}{83520}That kid gives me the creeps.

{83531}{83573}What do we do?|We got nothing.

{83584}{83620}That's not|what l'm talking about.

{83631}{83684}There were|a couple of moments...

{83735}{83773}where l almost believed him.

{83813}{83858}Don't take this|the wrong way...

{83869}{83925}but sometimes|you give me the creeps.

{84341}{84395}You've got to stop this.|lt's a stupid mug.

{84406}{84435}You're out of here.

{84446}{84475}Pretty soon you'll be gone.

{84486}{84514}You'll be gone.

{88044}{88118}All right,|just stay still, OK?

{88324}{88357}Oh, God, Ms Lewton.


{89352}{89390}l don't know where he is.

{89415}{89433}He's not talking to me.


{89480}{89523}Because l didn't believe him.

{89534}{89579}lf he does contact you,|l think it would be...

{89590}{89644}in the best interest of|your safety if you called us.

{89655}{89712}Now, here's my card.

{89723}{89761}Toll-free number.

{89864}{89897}lnteresting work.

{90174}{90202}Carter, you dick!

{90615}{90654}What are you doing?

{90720}{90764}Terry should be on this wall.


{90898}{90927}Why'd you want us|to meet you here?

{90938}{91034}They're watching me|to see if l go to Alex.

{91045}{91085}That's why you're taking me.

{91096}{91126}Why would l want to see him?

{91160}{91218}Because he knows|which one of us is next.

{91546}{91616}Drive the speed limit, OK?

{91627}{91689}And don't pass on the right.

{91700}{91758}Billy, wait a minute.|l'm getting a vision.

{91805}{91832}You're the next one, man.

{91843}{91875}Man, why'd you say that?

{91886}{91951}Because if you say another word,|l'll fucking kill you.

{92447}{92507}He could be anywhere from here|to a mile down the road...

{92518}{92581}so you guys start that way|and meet back in the middle.

{92592}{92635}lt'll take half the time.

{93376}{93409}Do you think|they're still up there?

{93473}{93544}Somehow, flight 180,|are they still in flight?

{93555}{93634}Somewhere...are they safe?

{93715}{93797}When l was a kid,|like six or seven...

{93808}{93863}l used to worry so much|about my parents dying.

{93874}{93933}Lying awake at night,|just worrying.

{93944}{93992}Most kids do, l guess.

{94003}{94071}Most kids never have it happen.

{94188}{94209}When l was ten...

{94220}{94270}my dad went into a 7-Eleven|for cigarettes.

{94281}{94332}He heard someone say,|"Don't turn around."

{94343}{94428}On reflex, or thinking|it was a friend joking, he did.

{94461}{94498}A guy blew his head off.

{94539}{94581}Life became shit after that.

{94602}{94654}My mom couldn't deal anymore.

{94688}{94751}She married this asshole|who my mom with my real dad...

{94762}{94815}would have crossed the street|to avoid this guy.

{94843}{94868}He didn't really want a kid...

{94879}{94935}so my mom didn't, either,|anymore.

{94980}{95074}lf that was the design|for my father and family...

{95085}{95130}then fuck death!

{95159}{95257}God, l have thought a lot|about that somewhere.

{95268}{95302}lt exists, that place...

{95313}{95348}where my dad is safe.

{95359}{95440}Where he had a full pack of|cigarettes and kept driving.

{95471}{95519}Where me and my mom and my dad|are still together...

{95530}{95590}and have no idea|about this life here.

{95656}{95730}Where our friends|are still in the sky.

{95741}{95821}Where everyone|gets a second chance.

{95850}{95909}Alex, we can't give up.

{96025}{96086}l can't go home,|because after Mrs Lewton...

{96097}{96120}they're looking for me.

{96131}{96174}We're taking you|to my dad's cabin.

{96185}{96212}lt's a couple of miles|from my house.

{96223}{96294}Browning,|you fucking warlock...

{96305}{96330}did you hear about|Ms Lewton or what?

{96341}{96386}Why do you think l was hiding?

{96397}{96479}Billy told the FBl he saw you|running from her house.

{96490}{96518}l was running 'cause|they blame me for everything.

{96529}{96561}They blame me|for Tod, for her...

{96572}{96596}for the fucking plane crash.

{96607}{96666}The fire caramelized her blood.

{96677}{96747}Your shoe prints were in it,|your fingerprints on the knives.

{96758}{96779}l told you they were not...

{96790}{96829}l'm not talking about|if you did it.

{96840}{96899}Or even if|you knew she was dead.

{96910}{96979}Did you know she was going|to be next before she was?

{97140}{97174}Yeah, l did.

{97199}{97234}l knew.

{97245}{97324}All right, out of us...

{97335}{97364}who's next to see it?


{97419}{97463}tell me l'm going to see|the Jets win a Super Bowl.

{97474}{97552}lt's me, right?|That's why you're not saying.

{97608}{97681}l should have felt up|Tammy in the pool that time.

{97692}{97718}What are you whining about?|l'm next!

{97729}{97792}He didn't say anything.|Just drive.

{97803}{97864}You have a responsibility|to tell me.

{97875}{97937}Think it's easier to know?

{97989}{98034}lt's not.|lt's fucking harder.

{98045}{98114}You get off|having control over me?

{98125}{98152}Let me decide|how to deal with it.

{98163}{98221}lt doesn't matter who's next...

{98232}{98291}'cause we're|all on the same list.



{98583}{98608}Then why bother?

{98619}{98642}What's the fucking point?

{98653}{98693}Me and Terry'll be back|together on the other side...

{98704}{98732}so why wait any longer?

{98773}{98818}What are you doing?

{98872}{98905}Carter, slow down.

{98916}{98965}-Slow down, Carter!|-Fuck you!

{99023}{99042}Knock it off!

{99053}{99090}May as well go out|on my own free will!

{99101}{99138}Not with us|in the fucking car!

{99308}{99345}Jesus, Carter!

{99377}{99396}Carter, stop the car!

{99407}{99450}What's the fucking worry|if it ain't your time?

{99461}{99498}l can get nailed|running this next red light.

{99509}{99530}You all wouldn't get shit.

{99541}{99572}lt doesn't work that way!

{99801}{99859}l fucking hated French class!

{99891}{99930}-Get control of yourself.|-That's what l'm doing!

{99941}{99999}l know what you're doing,|and it's all right to be scared.

{100010}{100057}l'm not afraid.|l decide when it's time.

{100068}{100132}l control my life.|l control my death.

{100143}{100193}You don't have to prove|how big your balls are!

{100298}{100331}Stop driving|like such an asshole.

{100342}{100372}What are you doing?

{100415}{100446}Jesus Christ!

{100457}{100499}Put your hands|back on the wheel!

{100510}{100549}-Carter, stop!|-Back on the wheel!


{100701}{100729}Carter, easy.

{100740}{100802}l am so close to puking|right now.

{100865}{100920}We're afraid, too,|but we're not quitting.

{100931}{100982}Stop it and stop|this fucking car!

{101017}{101089}Damn it, l want you|to stop this car right now!

{101566}{101591}-Move it.|-Open the door, Billy.

{101602}{101635}Move the fucking car!

{101646}{101719}-Open the fucking door.|-Move the car.

{101748}{101823}-Can't you open the door?|-Open the fucking door.

{101860}{101909}-Open it!|-Billy, open the door!

{102024}{102098}Carter, listen to me.|Don't do this.

{102203}{102278}God damn it!|Get out of the fucking car!

{102303}{102347}Carter, listen to me!

{102358}{102382}This isn't the way!

{102393}{102435}lt's not the way!|Get out of the car!

{102446}{102480}lt's coming!

{102608}{102636}lt ain't my time.


{102934}{102970}Listen to me!|This isn't the way.

{102981}{103014}Get out of the car!

{103083}{103147}Come on! Get out!

{103326}{103355}l can't get out!

{103638}{103676}Man, he really is next.

{103721}{103773}Get out!


{104288}{104316}Oh, God!

{104361}{104400}l saw it! l saw the belt!

{104411}{104429}You scared now?

{104440}{104465}lt broke!


{104516}{104535}He saved your life again.

{104546}{104572}That's right!

{104583}{104611}You're next, Carter!

{104622}{104666}l'm staying the fuck|away from you!

{104677}{104728}-Shut up, Billy!|-We don't need this shit now.

{104739}{104772}l don't need it ever!

{104783}{104810}Get away from him ! He's next!

{104821}{104850}Fuck you, Billy!|l'm not dead!

{104861}{104896}You will be.

{104907}{104951}You're dead...

{104983}{105012}and you ain't taking me|with you!

{105119}{105173}-God, no!|-Oh, shit!

{105392}{105436}Jesus fucking Christ!

{105478}{105499}You should have been next.

{105510}{105563}You were after Lewton.|That's the plan!

{105574}{105620}That's the design!|You should be fucking dead!

{105631}{105649}You're the devil!

{105660}{105712}l saw the seat belt.|l knew it would rip!

{105723}{105760}That's how l saved him.

{105771}{105804}Just like the explosion.|l saw it!

{105815}{105861}-The police are coming.|-Fuck! l saved him !

{105872}{105907}Because l saved him,|it skipped Carter...

{105918}{105976}and went to the next person|in the path of the explosion!

{105987}{106021}l have to see it.

{106032}{106056}Then l intervene...

{106067}{106116}and if l intervene,|l cheat the design.

{106127}{106176}lntervene? Are you God now?

{106187}{106234}God's not afraid to die.

{106245}{106288}Gods don't die! We do!

{106299}{106368}Baby, you are losing it.|The police will be here.

{106379}{106412}We have to get you|back to my cabin.

{106423}{106460}You can hide out|and get your head together.

{106471}{106512}After Billy, l'm next.

{106523}{106551}l'm next.

{106589}{106607}Then me.

{106618}{106685}Listen, l'm not going|to let it happen.

{106696}{106719}Listen to me.

{106730}{106805}Why don't you two|get the fuck out of here?



{111129}{111157}Nice one.

{111199}{111229}l overlooked it.

{111285}{111349}You tried to capitalize,|but l caught you.

{111360}{111389}You fuck!

{111425}{111455}l can beat you.

{111491}{111523}Maybe not forever...

{111534}{111601}but l got this cabin|rigged to beat you now!

{112862}{112895}She was there a minute ago.

{112919}{112941}What are you talking about?

{112953}{112998}l'm not turning him in.

{113024}{113069}lt's too dangerous for him|out there alone.

{113134}{113166}l go with you.

{113190}{113218}You can't.

{113287}{113327}Just tell us where he is.

{113338}{113372}Wait at home.|l give you my word...

{113383}{113446}we will bring him in safely|in protective custody.

{114187}{114215}l never moved.

{114263}{114308}Christa asked me to change,|but l never moved.

{114320}{114373}l would have been up|next to Tod.

{114407}{114448}Fuck!|Why didn't l remember that?

{114459}{114512}l never moved. Clear's seat|was in front of mine.

{114917}{114949}She's next.

{116016}{116069}Get in the car!|We're going around!

{117706}{117761}-There!|-Come on, let's go!

{117914}{117959}Alex, we're trying to help you.

{118024}{118073}Prince! Get away from it!

{118371}{118408}Hold on!


{120286}{120308}We lost him.

{120320}{120373}From the direction, there's only|one place he's heading.

{120384}{120420}No shit.

{123042}{123074}Oh, my God!

{123214}{123250}Don't move! Stay there!

{123303}{123331}Don't move!

{123343}{123416}Don't touch anything.|You're grounded by the tyres.

{124122}{124166}The car's going to explode!

{124288}{124335}l can only hold on for so long.|You know what to do.


{124385}{124436}When l do this, it'll skip you,|and it'll all be over.

{124448}{124485}lt's the only way|we can cheat death again.


{124536}{124583}l am not going to let it|beat us both.

{124594}{124624}You know what to do!

{124679}{124724}l'll always be with you.


{124979}{125020}Get away from there!

{125649}{125698}Damn it!|You can't do this to me.

{125725}{125768}Come on, baby. Come on.

{125871}{125912}Shit, he's not breathing.

{125923}{125968}Hold on, Alex. Come on.|Stay with me.

{126851}{126879}Well, we made it.

{126891}{126934}Paris.|l can't believe it.

{126946}{126989}l can't believe|we got on a plane again.

{127000}{127028}Know what l'm saying?

{127729}{127768}lt's weird being here, huh?

{127779}{127812}We finally completed a puzzle.

{127869}{127904}lt's just|there's something missing.

{127915}{127943}You know?

{128022}{128050}To Terry.

{128062}{128080}And to Tod.

{128091}{128121}To all of our friends|that can't be here.



{128312}{128345}lf you would've told me|six months ago...

{128356}{128411}the three of us would be|sitting here having a drink...

{128464}{128511}l don't know.|Sometimes it feels like...

{128523}{128578}you two are the only ones|who understand.

{128673}{128718}You were right, Browning.

{128730}{128765}lt did skip us.|There was a design.

{128801}{128850}We beat it. We won.

{128879}{128956}The only thing we won|is a chance at a full life.

{128982}{129033}A chance|that l won't ever waste.

{129098}{129168}There's just something|l can't figure out.

{129179}{129238}-About what?|-The design.

{129249}{129300}Just let it go, all right?

{129312}{129373}Hear me out, all right?

{129410}{129459}-Oh, my God.|-Just listen.

{129471}{129549}The explosion path determined|the order of our deaths.

{129560}{129626}When l intervened|and saved Carter...

{129637}{129717}it skipped him and went|to the next person--Billy.

{129728}{129750}Then it was Clear.

{129761}{129800}But l intervened and saved her,|so it went to me.

{129811}{129899}But in my case,|no one intervened, right?

{129928}{129956}l was thrown|from that power line...

{129967}{130001}by the explosion, so...

{130012}{130054}So why did it skip you?

{130065}{130122}How do we know this isn't|what was meant to happen?

{130134}{130179}That out of everyone|on flight 180...

{130191}{130244}you, me, and Carter|were meant to live?

{130272}{130319}Maybe that was|the design all along.

{130330}{130414}-Or you could still be next.|-Shut up, Carter.

{130442}{130474}l didn't make up the rules.

{130485}{130532}Somebody's got to intervene|before death can skip them.

{130544}{130611}Alex proved that three times|with the plane, me, and you.

{130622}{130659}For all l know,|it could circle back...

{130670}{130698}and get us all again.

{130709}{130770}But l am the safest fucker|in the world...

{130781}{130836}because you're still next.

{130958}{131002}Can we just stop talking|about this?

{131013}{131047}Let's figure out...

{131420}{131475}l'll meet you back|at the hotel.

{131487}{131507}l'll go with you.

{131518}{131602}No, just stay here,|OK, Clear?

{131614}{131632}All right?

{131643}{131696}See? lt's true.|l told you you were next, man.

{131707}{131764}Stop it, Carter.|Alex, wait.

{131775}{131824}Clear, stay there, OK?

{131836}{131864}Stay away.

{132638}{132714}-l told you you were next!|-lt skipped me.

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